Monday, August 16, 2010

.take that.

Such a great thing happened today at my dr. appointment, that I just have to write it down. Basically I haven't had an ultrasound since I was 6 weeks because of some issues earlier on, but after that appointment I have been smooth sailing so they haven't bothered to check. This is completely fine except for the fact that I want to actually see the kid, and not just look at the lump of cells pic I got at 6 weeks. But I have been patiently biding my time until I can check him out (we are just calling it a he, because I feel better giving it a gender, even if it's not the right one) as a little person with hands, feet, head, mouth, know...the whole nine yards. So in the mean time I have just been satisfied listening to the rapid beats of his little heart. Those first few moments before they find the heart beat are agonizing for, because I remember on our first go around when they couldn't find it. Recently, like most new moms, I have been intently trying to determine if what I'm feeling is actually the baby, or if the tiny movements are all in my head. I can't wait for the day when I know that what I'm feeling is the baby...soon, very soon. So there I am at the dr.'s and she's listening to the heart beat, and there it is the rhythmic swishing of this little kids heart, it brings a smile to my face. Then there's are some loud thumps, and the dr. says oh it's kicking back. Again there are couple of thumps and I can't help but laugh out loud. Yes the kids in there, and he's actually crazy is that? Yes I know...I absolutely just blogged about my kid kicking around inside his momma...I'm a sue me, but I just love the thought of that little avocado kicking!


Hayley said...

kick away little avocado!!! it is always a relief.

and just wait. cause soon you'll be wishing he didn't kick so much. :)

ANG said...

You are definitely NOT a dork for that. This is so exciting! A NEW YOU. Wow. I am still awed at the miracle of it all. Enjoy the wonder.
(You little mamma you.)

Doug and Ilean said...

Isn't it wonderful Beth. This new little person growing. I have finally caught up on all your blog postings. So good. Love, Mom

Courtney said...

That is so wonderful Beth, I am so very happy for you!!

Krista Eger said...

That's adorable! I totally know the feeling! With Nate I saw him at almost 10 weeks because I was bleeding a little so I actually got to SEE his heart beat. I have weird anatomy (thanks mom) and can't hear the heartbeat until at least 14 weeks every time so this pregnancy was weird because I didn't really feel like I was pregnant until 14 weeks. When we went in for my ultrasound I secretly half expected nothing to be there! It was REALLY weird! Now theres no doubting it! I push her little feet around all the time!