Thursday, August 19, 2010

.somebody's movin'.

Let the jabbing begin! This kid has finally decided to make it apparent to me that he/she is moving, and getting bigger and stronger. What a wicked cool feeling it is to actually know that what you are feeling is the little dude and not your mind playing tricks!

and that is all i got...


Jill said...

That's a whole lot that you got though. So exciting and so fun to see you experience all this on a somewhat daily basis. You will be a fabulous mother and I can't wait for the little one to show its face.

judi said...

That's such a fun feeling. It's pretty cool, just wait until the baby gets big enough to ram you in the ribs - it's a great feeling! Especially when you hit your husband as a reaction to the ramming.

Heather said...

Isn't that the coolest/weirdest feeling ever! I'm soooo excited for you to have a little one of your own, YAY!