Wednesday, March 21, 2012


It's been one of those know the kind that you feel sorta down and frumpy.  I'm usually not a downer, but I think everyone is entitled to a few of those days every once in awhile.  So today was mine.  I tried being productive to keep my mind occupied, but nothing seemed to help lift my mood.  I looked at myself in the mirror and looked every part of not putting myself together for the last two days.  Uggghhh, I not only looked gross, but felt gross...which is quite a bit worse.  After I got home from the gym last night at 9 I took a long shower and cried.  I cried out all my ugly feelings about myself,  about how my face is covered in blemishes, how my weight hasn't changed even after all the hard work, and just how generally gross I felt personally.  I cried, then shaved my legs, which always helps, and then slept a good long sleep.  This morning I'm not completely out of yesterday's funk, but it is a bit better.  I'm determined to get Finn and I put together and out of the house for some sun and fresh air.  Oh and that little child of mine who gets into EVERYTHING, is simply irresistible when he stands holding his hand behind his back.


Kim said...

Blech. I hate those days. But stand tall, woman! You're a wonder to behold. Seriously.

Hayley said...

wanna come and have a play date today? wanna go grab lunch? call or text. i'm sorry the last few days were tough. come hang out with me, its bound to make you feel better, you're skinnier and prettier :)

Kay said...

Oh Beth :( When I feel that way, I like to tell myself it must be hormones or something and that I'll feel better tomorrow, and just to hang on. Sometimes I make myself do something productive (like mop the floor) and that helps too. Keep up the hard work at the gym. You've already seen you can be successful at losing weight (amazingly so!) and you'll get there.

One other suggestion. Get your blood tested for thyroid function. I now believe that my problems with skin have been largely a thyroid disfunction. In fact I have some natural thyroid I got from Julie that you can try out. I use a perscription, but I only take half tablets, because a full tablet is too much. It's a balancing act, but my skin has been 98% healthy since I've started taking supplements for thyroid hormone, and it hasn't been this clear in over a decade. Anyway, I'm not saying I have the cure, but I know what it's like to be sick and tired of skin problems, and maybe you want to give it a try.

Let me know. I could run it up this week.