Monday, March 19, 2012

.green & be careful what you wish for.

I was just commenting to Roy yesterday that I would just like to sleep in until 8, and that I just want to get away for a night so that I could sleep in. Well after a long and very sleepless Sunday, Finn just couldn't hack it last night.  I still don't know what happened to the little dude, but he woke up around 9:30 and cried off and on until 12:30 at which point I went and got him.  I thought if I brought him into bed with us he would fall to sleep.  This is usually my last step if Finn is not feeling good to help him feel calm and happy, but it didn't work either...he refused to be consoled.  Roy walked with him for a bit while I tried to run through my mind what could be bothering him.  He wasn't feverish, he wasn't rubbing his ears or acting like he had an ear ache.  The only thing I could think was that maybe his teeth were the culprit, so I grabbed the Motrin hoping that it would ease his pain.  He was furious after the medicine (he hates taking it anyways, let alone when he's tired) so Roy just said try lying him down again.  I wasn't hopeful that it would work, but he went right down and didn't make another peep the rest of the night.  I still don't know if his teeth were really bothering or if he was just beyond tired, but we were happy that he decided to sleep.  Roy fell back to sleep quickly, but of course my mind refused to shut off after that.  I just kept thinking, "I have to be up in a few hours to get my work out in for the day.  I'm already behind on my two week triathlon so I need to get it done."  Well after all was said and done, I did NOT get up at 5:30 and go swim and slept in until 8.  I'm now taking back my previous wish to sleep in.  I will gladly take a whole night of restful sleep and waking up 6:30 any day.

Besides our rough night on Sunday, we thoroughly enjoyed our weekend celebrating St. Patrick's day with family.  We wore our green, played Irish hot potato, ate cabbage & corned beef, drank our root beer, and talked the night away with my family.

Playing Irish hot potato while uncle casey changes a light bulb

Sully getting his groove on

Finn playing with his cars...he simple loves cars

1 comment:

Kay said...

Thanks for the fun memories Beth. I love Sully's dancing technique. I somehow missed it, so thanks for sharing.