Thursday, March 8, 2012

.sick days & potatos.

Uggghh the dreaded cold finally found its way to me.  Yesterday I could tell something was afoot, but today I'm 100% positive I've got something.  It might have something to do with the fact that I'm still in my pajamas, bed head intact.  Or that I'm feeling all around yucky and just want to slip back into the oblivion of sleep where at least I won't feel like I want to die.  I must look as bad as I feel because when Roy came home for lunch he said, "you're making me depressed just looking at you."  Ha ha, if that boy doesn't know how to make a girl feel better, right?  He did make up for his off humored comment by letting me nuzzle into him and close my eyes for a few minutes...because when I'm sick I nuzzle.  For unexplainable reasons it just makes me feel better.
Being sick with children (I say children because today I have the girl that I watch once a week) doesn't give you all that much room to lay in your sick bed and just coast.  But as with the nature of being sick, I'm probably only giving it 65%.  Basically making sure that they aren't hitting each other or eating things out of the garbage.  Luckily they are great kids and are playing quietly and not getting into much trouble...mostly.
 Except for that one time Finn got himself stuck behind the couch...I'm the world class mom who grabbed the camera instead of freeing her crying child first.
Or that other time when I just let Finn gnaw on a nice ol' dirty potato from the cuboard.  The potatos are his new favorite thing.  He usually has one in each hand as he cruises around the house.  I find it irresistably cute and therefore have not moved them to a higher shelf.
But besides that we are hanging in there today.  In fact it's getting close to nap time for all of us, and that is sounding almost as good as a raw potato.


ANG said...

So funny Beth! I'm sorry you're feeling sick - and Mom's don't get sick days - but you write so well about it. :)
Can I bring you something?

Kay said...

Love the picture of Finn stuck! So cute no matter what his mood is. :D Try some Deliverance rubbed on your feet morning and night - 6 drops. It helps me anyway. Hope you feel better soon. Certainly by St. Patrick's Day!