Saturday, March 9, 2013


It's a mother's lament, saying that babies grow up too fast, but it's so true.  Meg you have cycled through another month of life, and it shows.  You have been my fat baby, and have gotten even more so with the passing month.  Your cheeks draw a lot of attention from strangers and family alike, but my absolute favorite chub are you thighs.  I want to show those off to everyone...they are simply delicious!
At your check up the Dr. noted how incredibly healthy and alert you were, and I took great pride in knowing that I'm feeding you well enough to put you in the 50% range for weight (11 lbs).
You continue to be a sweet baby who sleeps so well, I almost don't want to say anything for fear of jinxing myself.  You smile a lot and have started to coo and talk, which absolutely just melts all of our hearts.
Big brother Finn takes a great interest in you, and is constantly making sure he can see you.  If momma is preoccupied while you are crying he will get down right in your face and start talking or saying "shh meg".  He also seems determined to teach you all about cars and will be interesting to see what your first words will be.
We love you little miss Meg, and can't seem to get enough of all the sweetness you bring into our home!

just a little taste of her sweet's blurry because it's hard to capture at just the right moment

those sweet thighs that I love so much
this little one loves her tongue 
you love your daddy!
cheeks, cheeks, and more cheeks

hello cheeks!

1 comment:

Kay said...

Can't get enough! You're killing me with all the cuteness!!