Friday, November 7, 2008

Where's my bat?

Let me take you back to 6:15 this morning. We are slowly rousing from our restful night when there is a knock at our front door. Roy being suspicious grabs the handgun from under the bed (if any of you know Roy, this makes sense). Turns out it's a cop, and luckily he didn't see the gun Roy was wielding. Apparently we have been victims of vandalism...again. About a year and half ago my tires were stolen, and this morning we awoke to spray painted cars. I felt just like I did when my tires were stolen: angry, confused, violated, and angry again. All I could think about was how much I would have liked to have taken a bat to some punk kids knees. These acts are completely senseless and stupid. If it's a thrill your seeking, do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. I'm so mad that people can get away with being completely destructive to others things. The sad part of this is that we didn't even get the full brunt of this random act of vandalism. Our tail lights were the only parts of the car that were tagged, but for dozens of others in our condo complex entire cars and even some condos were covered in spray paint. I hope that eventually they will find the kids that did it and there will be restitution, but all I really feel like doing is pulling out the Louisville slugger and taking some practice swings.

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