Tuesday, February 12, 2013

.starting out.

Here we go.  I've been officially ok'd back into regular activity.  I've been doing some low impact stuff since about 4 weeks, but now it's all business.  I weighed in this morning at 157 (I was hoping for closer to 155-150), and have about 20 lbs to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight.  That kinda bites doesn't it?
good morning 157

green smoothie goodness: Kale, plain greek yogurt,
half a banana, a few berries, and 1/4 c of OJ
This is were patience is going to have to play itself out. I've been very frustrated this past week, with really trying to eat well, and even getting out for two runs, only to see a one pound change.  My first run hurt and I was as slow as dirt, but it felt so good to feel my body move in ways it hadn't for 6 months.  My second run hurt even worse, and I was passed by another runner.  Instantly I began to feel pretty frustrated.  Then I reminded myself that I did indeed just have a baby 6 weeks ago and that I was just starting out again, and that it was ok to be slow as long as I was doing something.  So I kept going and pushed through all those negative thoughts, and ran those 2 miles.
The start is the hardest.  That's when everything hurts, and you can't do everything you want to as well as you want to.  It's when your clothes don't fit, people are passing you, and the number on the scale is laughing at you.  But starting is the most important part of the journey, and the one that I appreciate the most when I start seeing progress.  So here's to starting!


Hayley said...

looks to me like those socks weigh 2 pounds. at least ;)

you're amazing. it'll fall off, just keep doing what you're doing. you're inspiring me!

Beth said...

Hayley...at least 2 pounds right?!? ha ha thanks for making me laugh.

Christy said...

Um, I would be ESCTATIC to be at 157!!!

Christy said...

P.S. You go girl! 2 miles is awesome!