Another month has made it's way into the past. You are on your way to being our little boy instead of being our little baby. As a four month old you continually make us laugh with your assortment of high pitched squeals and your attempts to blow raspberries. You're even more in love with your hands then you were a month ago. They are constantly in your mouth and covered in drool.
You've been testing your legs out for awhile, but you have gotten really good at standing for long periods of time. No wonder with hams like these!
Sleeping is becoming a lot more regular around these parts now. You always take a 9:00 nap in the morning and one at 12:00 in the afternoon. We are still trying to get in a third somewhere around 4:00, but you fight that one far to well to get any sleep value out of it. Nights have become good again. You sleep from 5-8 hours during your first stretch and then another 4-5 hours after your mid-night feeding. I'm not holding my breath, because babies are anything but predictable, but for right now, we both sleep well!
Your dad and I were talking last night about looking into your eyes and seeing just how real you are! We love all that you bring to our lifes Finn, and look forward to all the memories we get to make with you. Like this one...
I freakin' love that last picture. Mr. Finn is one great little boy!
Love you Finn!
Sully is having Finn withdrawals.
I was thinking what a great way to make a baby book. I love being able to see his every day pictures you post. Thanks Mom
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