While getting ready for the "great carpet cleaning of 09" we were cleaning out Roy's room. I call it that because I don't go in it very often because when I do I have a strong desire to de-junk...I detest clutter! During the purge I happened across dozens of papers filled with Roy's thoughts, memories and the like. I read through them and determined that they would have to make an appearance on the blog because, although it is my blog, Roy is so very much apart of my life that it wouldn't make sense not to. So without further ado, here is the debute of the "Roy Papers"
"I remember lots of stories, and enjoying telling them. I find that I have had some unique experiences, as all of us do. I just enjoy sharing them and vise versa. One of my favorite scriptures is in 2 Nephi and it talks about remembering for that is the key to remaining faithful...remembering what you're doing down here. I think if we all remembered what we all came for things would be a lot different. But that would take all the fun of mortality away. Memory is tied like a web. Each idea is tied to another, so the more things are tied together the easier it is to recall...i.e. I have a hard time remembering music and even learning it. That, I believe, is because I have no way to tie it to anything. Were as if I can relate something to the gospel or to running I will never forget it. In fact I will think of it often. Always thinking, ever sharpening the mind and its reflexes. I remember a lot of things that I wish I could forget, they are dark and unpleasant, but if one learns to gain from these memories or events there is no loss only gain."
Oh, that Roy is wise beyond his years. ;) I'm very much looking forward to more excerpts from the "Roy Papers."
No one has stories like Roy-son.
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