Lets do some catch up!
It seems that the weeks have just flown by since St. George (which by the way was almost a total bust, at least the tri) I won't bother to rehash all the windy Gorey details...just know that it was a rather a long drive for not so much tri. We did have fun hiking around the red rocks and having Roy try out his new Mt. Bike. (pics coming soon)
Life has gone on per usual since the trip....work...work...and work. I've been flying it solo for the last few days without Jill and it has been crazy busy, but it's all turned out well.
Memorial day gave us a day to get some much needed projects underway. I would have preferred to sleep in, but per usual Roy was ready for the day at the butt crack of dawn. In hind-sight I'm glad he got up and motivated me not to waste our day off in bed. We started off cleaning out our little plot of ground by removing some nasty bushes, pruning the roses, and tilling up the soil. After completely filling our trashcan "gimpy" (I call it gimpy because it only has one wheel) we decided we would return all the garden gear to my parents house. On our way out Roy not only had the brilliant idea to stop at the home depot and grab some more garden stuff to fill the void, but to also pick up the belt sander at my parents to sand down the table we got from grandma.
By the time we got home with our purchases the dirt had turned to mud in our plot...so onto the table. Wow what a project it turned out to be! It took Roy the greater portion of the afternoon to sand down all the components of the oak table, while I struggled with dismantling the chairs. By then it was time to run to the obligatory barbecues for memorial day. Needless to say we just finished putting on the second coat of stain yesterday.
As a side note: yesterday when I got home from running I entered a home smelling of chemical fumes... I got excited thinking Roy was starting to put the sealer on the table. Turns out that our dishwasher has claimed another plastic item. It has warped several of our plastic cups and it's most recent victim was my Nalgene lid (in tribute this post is in Nalgene lid blue). I spent half an hour scrubbing the melted plastic off the bottom. GOOD TIMES!
Hopefully by next post the table will be done, the void will be planted, and the dishwasher will have stayed it's hand.
Kiss that Nalgene bottle goodbye. I suppose that's probably a good thing...did you get the memo that they now cause cancer? Add that to the list along with the rest of our belongings that are going to kill us!
I am sorry to hear about your Nalgene lid. Do you remember when you were over at my place and we started smelling that funny smell only to discover that my Nalgene lid (my USU bottle that I won in the bookstore raffle) was melting away? Then I lost its replacement in Wales.
Oh - well, it apparently isn't a good time for water bottles lately!
Nalgene lid blue... that's really too bad. I found out that my USU nalgene bottle was thrown away by my own MOTHER because she didn't want to put it in a cupboard in her house. But like Kim says, aparently they cause cancer.
You should have a dinner party when you have your table all finished!!!
Beth- Sean informed me that I can't give Nalgene bottles to DI--which I tried to do (not knowing that they are sacred--they happened to be Holly and Bruce's that he had borrowed) Sounds like you need to turn the heat off on your dishwasher. Come and get some starts of plants--or maybe get a tomatoe plant to plant there. (wow--3x the word plant). Loved your creative "butt crack of dawn"--made me laugh--never heard that expression. Thanks for helping make it a good a day for me. Love you, Mom
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