Saturday, October 13, 2012

.fall walks.

With the weather finally changing over to the cooler range these past few weeks, my walks have become more frequent.  With my internal temperature ranging around 120 degrees these days, the summer did not see many walks from me.  Finn and I have especially taken advantage of our Saturday mornings, as we are often stuck without the car for part of the day.  Today was just beautiful after the rain and wind of yesterday.  The leafs down here are still in their fall limbo with some trees turned completely yellow or red, others only a few branches, and some still in full summer green.  This morning there was a distinct smell of fall in the air...kind of that sweet smell of decay as the gardens are cycling back the old squashes, tomatoes, and other such things.  As I walked I talked to Finn about how  when I was little I would spend hours out in our garden gathering the old produce that lay on the ground.  I loved to pretend to make all sorts of glorious food with all the old zucchinis and crookneck that had grown to large for harvest.  I'm sure my mother was none to happy with here measuring cups and bowls along with assorted utensils (that probably are still scattered around her yard) being taken out and filled with mud and other exotic ingredients.  But those fall days are some of my fondest memories that I could vividly recall with just a simple smell.  It was a good walk!

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