Monday, March 8, 2010


I've been blocked lately...I have loads of things to share, but what I possess in info, I lack in desire. Today I will make an attempt of updating, and perhaps that will than spark future posts of greatness.

Our business is making progress. Few things feel as grown up as getting your own business cards. I would show you how sweet they turned out, but I can't seem to get a good photo of them. But just know they are SWEET!

Also on the business front...our website. I'm in charge of this beauty and it's all outside of my comfort zone. I'm not a natural by any means when it comes to web design and such. In fact if I had done it all on my own our website would be non-existent. But thanks to the generous help of friends (g-ward and haley) and family (Lena and Tim), we are getting closer to a functioning site. Here is just a gander at the homepage (Lena was also our master photographer, making Roy's silhouette the star). We are getting pretty stoked (and nervous) about our up coming summer. We already have 5-6 races that we are timing...without even advertising. We will be staying busy getting our feet under us this year and becoming even more comfortable with the system. I'm really proud of Roy for really getting this going (and being such a great running model)....what a guy!!!

Among other news of importance...

We (and when I say we I mean Roy) re-caulked our shower...finally. I just couldn't take looking at that nasty shower anymore. I had wanted to take it on as my project, but after stubbornly cutting and pulling and chiseling away at it for sometime and getting nowhere I relinquished the task over to Roy. I think I would still have been laboriously working that caulk out if Roy hadn't. Thanks babe!

We have also recently added to Roy's hobbies. He has taken up speed skating, and is pretty stoked for the challenge. I can't blame the Olympics entirely because I may or may not have suggested that Roy should try it out. Apparently, it's natural for cyclist and speed skaters to transition back and forth. Roy goes nuts in the winter when he can't ride his bike, so I thought it would be nice if Roy could have a winter sport that he could do that would coincide with his cycling in the summer. Hence Roy is now the owner of his first pair of speed skates. I've really enjoyed seeing how excited he has gotten about them. He gets them out and tinkers and adjusts them....learning the lay of the skate as it were. I love that he takes everything in...I would just be excited about new skates and never take the time to adjust and figure out how they of our many differences.

I think that should suffice for the Hoffman update for now...hopefully I won't feel so blocked in the upcoming weeks.


ANG said...

Yeah!!! for not being blocked anymore! Good things are happening for the Hoffmans. If you went snowboarding with us you might be more inspired. WHat do you say?

Just Sean said...

Neat-O! Now I can hit the ice with someone in the fam!

Elena Lunt said...

Hey, I hope we can get your website going soon. Why were you blocked anyway?