Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Strange Things are Afoot...

I wonder sometimes why people do the things they do. For example as an older and larger women, what in your head says that mowing your front lawn in a bathing suit (not one with a skirt or swim shorts mind you) is a good idea? It just seems like one of those things you shouldn't do. However, I did get a laugh out of it on the way into work this morning so I can't complain that people do the strangest things. I only wish I could have got a picture, without it I can't do the image justice.

...Oh and Roy joined the Ol' face book. Today is indeed a strange and unusual day.


caron said...

I'm pretty sure I'm glad there was no picture. Athough it's probably not as bad as my mental image. *shudder*

Beth said...

possibly, but I'm guessing there still would have been a *shudder*.