Monday, August 13, 2012


it's a strange thing...I used to think that 5 years would feel like forever when I first got married (I also thought 30 would feel old), but in reality it's been anything but.  Life with that boy of mine feels so full.  Full of busy-ness, full of laughter, full of frustration (we all have our days), full of compassion, full of teasing, full of learning, full of patience, full of support, full of work, full of hope, and most of all full of LOVE.  We have created a happy home for our growing family, and I'm happy he's my best friend and partner through it all.

Roy and spandex, what else would you expect
Our actual anniversary was on the 4th, but, like I mentioned in a previous post, we rarely get to celebrate on the actual day.  We pushed it back to this past weekend, but as with most happens.  Roy ended up having some races that morning, and Finn contracted the foot and mouth virus going around.  But we still managed to enjoy a dinner together at the cheesecake factory despite the busy day.

Me in all my greasy large I say it was a day, but I think we seem pretty happy!


Hayley said...

congratulations on 5!

i think you're both swell!

Kay said...

Here's to you and your "greasy (not so large) majesty"! Haha! I love it Beth! How many times have I felt exactly the same. Life isn't about looking your best, it goes quite a bit deeper than that.

Happy Anniversary! I think most of the adjusting gets worked out in the first five years, so congratulations, you definitely have something to celebrate!:)