Let it be known that I posses no "moxy" what so ever. I epitomize the opposite of what "moxy" is. I secretly long to have the guts to do things that are scary or confrontational, but most the time when it comes right down to it I silently sit back and watch these opportunities pass by. This past year I have had great examples of moxy shown to me. One of my all time favorites includes someone whom I would have presumed to have been as reserved as me, but is surprisingly built from tougher stuff than I gave her credit for. It involved our condo complex and a new set of speed bumps put in. These speed bumps are ridiculous in every sense of the word. There were already existing speed bumps, but apparently the original 3-4 weren't enough for some of the older neighbors in the complex. In addition, these new speed bumps are more like tiny mountains that must be taken at 5mph or less if you care for your car at all. One of the newer speed bumps was placed in an area where there is a parking strip. In fits of rebellion to these new death traps, you can often see cars swerving around said bump to avoid the imminent damage to their car. This law breaking behavior did not sit well with some of the older crowd in the complex who decided to enforce it in their own way.
(in an effort to help you understand I will illustrate ...) Here we see that one said older gentleman decided he would take it upon himself to park right beside the speed bump so that we could no longer avoid the speed bump. Needless to say I, along with quite a few others were not happy with this enforced observance. But me being me never did anything about my annoyance, I just continued to be ticked off by this man's actions.
This leads us to the actions of a closet confrontationalist (this perhaps is not a word, and in its right sounds like an oxymoron, but I like it so lets go with that). About a week following the ol' man's enforcement we drove into the complex and noticed the following.
Someone had parked their car in way that we could all pass the bump of death while at the same time stopping the ol' man from having his way with us. I was in awe! I was loving it and wishing I would have done it all at the same time. I think the best part of this whole situation is that it was Sarah Ann Nesbit who defiantly stood up to the ol' man. All I could say was, "that girl's got moxy". And so now I want to be that person that everyone thinks is reserved and in line, but when pushed will confront those who have done the pushing and those observing the situation will say..."That kid's got moxy"!