Friday, April 18, 2008

stagger the laughter

So have you ever had those moments when somebody either says or does something funny, and then the next second you have to be serious? Yeah, well those moments happen to me a lot. Such moments include roommate prayer...there was definately moments when I feared the wrath of God would be unleashed because I lacked the self restraint to stall my mirth. Driving in the car is always a bad place to decide to crumple in laughter and blind yourself with tears of laughter. Most recently I have descovered that acting professionaly on the phone at work can be a great effort while stifling laughter. There have been several times when I think I have it under control, but then suddenly a squeak or two escape. More often then not the person on the phone will ask what's funny and if I'm lucky I know the person so its not quite as embarassing. However, I do get the occasionally annoyed person who feels that my lauging on the phone is completely off base and will tell me so (that usually makes the laughter stop). This either proves I have very little self-control or....I like to laugh even if I endanger myself spiritually, physically, or professionally. I choose the latter and affably resign myself to it.

1 comment:

Morrison Family said...

Just gotta have fun in life!! And laughter is really the best medicine in life... :)