Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Little Eis,
Another month has completely flown by with me barely even realizing it. Most of the time I'm not aware at how much you've grown, but then suddenly diapers and clothes are too tight, and you're longer in my short arms.  How can my little 5 pounder really be as big as you are?

 You are really starting to bust out the smiles, and coo A LOT more.  It's so wonderful to see you start to develop and recognize those who love you.  My most favorite thing of yours is still you quirky little smile.  It absolutely melts my heart!  When I come and get you first thing in the morning, I'm always greeted with a string of happy smiles.  What a way to start a day! could you not love this?
You are still one amazing sleeper!  Thank the heavens for that.  You will now consistently pull 8 hrs at night.  I'm fairly confident that we will be moving you in with your sister in about a month since I don't have to get up in the early morning to feed you anymore.  Not that that matters really because your sister is up with the sun anyways.

3 months old!
Being the baby, you are absolutely loved by friends, neighbors, and especially family.  You and your brother and sister our are life and we love you baby Eisley!

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