Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Even with December a short few weeks away, we are still in full fall and Thanksgiving mode over here.  Sometimes with young kids I wonder what and if I should do anything extra or special to teach because I often feel like it doesn't really register yet, but I decided that for the month of November I would try doing "gratitude leafs".  The first Sunday, I taught a short (emphases on short) lesson on showing gratitude for all the things that God has given us, and introduced the leafs.  At first the leafs consisted of simple things like tractors, snow, pears, and the such, but slowly our chats about what we are thankful for have grown.  Today Finn expressed his gratitude for bagels and cream cheese (his current favorite snack), and other good food that helps him grow.  He then told me that Meg was grateful for flowers because they smelled good.  I like that he interprets what Meg is thinking.  It's been good to see the colorful leafs fill up our glass door and brighten our days with reminders of all the things we've been given.
As far as the kids go...
Meg is in the season of starting to get her legs under her and try walking.  She recently took a few steps all on her own, and has taken to standing long periods of time by herself.  She has also become very curious in the garbage can (I recall Finn did the same thing) and so we have had to get creative in keeping it out of reach.

Finn's season is the one of taking off his pajamas every night and sleeping in only a diaper.  I wonder every night if I'm just wasting my time putting them on him, but I figure if anything it gives him practice on dressing and undressing himself.  He's become both very helpful, and very frustrating all at the same time...how can that be.  I can usually ask him to do something (cleaning up, grabbing Meg's toy from across the room, or grabbing items that are just out of reach.  In the same breath, he will ignore my requests to leave his sister alone, or not to jump on the couch, and just plain whine.  He is pure toddler and I love him!

As far as our season of life, well it's become a bit more complicated, as things often do with more responsibility.  As previously mentioned, we've been feeling pushed in a direction to try and move.

We don't know if it's actually going to happen, but we have faith that God is directing our lives, and that things will happen if they need to.  At first I was really excited about all the prospects, but sometimes looking at the cost of moving, makes me depressed...like how do people actually make the next step.  I suppose that is where my faith will come more into play.  For right now it is out of our hands, and we will just have to see what will happen.
And finally, with all the nice weather we've been having, it seems my roses are confused as to which season it actually is.
 These happy yellow guys are welcomed to stay as long as there is no snow to make me happy.


Allison said...

Love the gratitude leaves! What a cute idea!

Kim said...

Ah man, as far as moving with little kids goes...that's just about as stressful as it can get! Still it's amazing how things just "happen" to work out...with plenty of patience and a bit of anxiety of course. Good luck!