Monday, August 11, 2008

Dog Lake Constitutional

The Saturday morning constitutional was born out of the need of a very active, curious 16 month old niece named Sophie. Soph is constantly going and never seems to stop...luckily there is uncle Roy who doesn't seem to stop either. Because of their shared attention span these two seem to have a special bond that keeps them constantly moving and checking out new things. Luckily, my brother is also pretty active and has found that a healthy outlet for little Soph is a Saturday morning hike, or constitutional if you will. Last Saturday the constitutional took us up to the top of Mill creek canyon and from there to the top of Dog Lake trail. This 4 mile trail is beautiful! It's covered in wildflowers and Aspens and the occasional stinging nettle (as Noble so unfortunately found out). Grace and I paired up for the assent, and it was funny to watch her dramatically claw her way up. That of course was until she got her walking stick, after that she was cruising up the trail telling me to kick it in gear. At the end of the trail there was a nice lil' lake where the kids got in, clothes and all, and cooled themselves off along with the dogs...hence the name of the trail.

All in all it was a great constitutional (the first one for me), and if any of you are looking for a nice hike for a Saturday morning I would suggest a jont up to Dog Lake.

1 comment:

Doug and Ilean said...

Beth--what a great way to spend time with my daughter (thru reading your blogs) Your personality comes through so well--I love it and I love you for the wonderful happy personality you possess. What a gift you have been to your family. Keep this up, and I will remember to check it. Love Mom