Sunday, May 24, 2015

.little yellow dress.

Meg loves Sundays for one reason...she gets to wear pretty dresses.  When I tell her its time to go get dressed for church she inhales loudly and excitedly says, "ohhhh, princess dress".  She has this sweet yellow dress that we have tried, unsuccessfully, to wear to church about 8 times.  The one and only time we actually made it to church with the dress on was the week that she took off a poopy diaper at the end of sacrament do the math.  For what ever reason, spilled juice, food, or pens, we just can't seem to get to church with that dress on.
Today we are attempting our 9th try.  Here's to an uneventful Sunday (fingers crossed).
baby gigi, doggie, her "phone", and the yellow dress

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