Monday, March 24, 2014


a few things are happening...or have happened...First our little Miss M has mastered the stairs so that we could take down our child gates.  It may not seem like much, but it feels so much better to not be locked into a living space anymore.  She's already tumbled down about three stairs since, but I figure that is the best way to learn in a lot of ways.  I'm really excited that we'll have a small break between child gate months for baby #3.
Secondly, i'm growing into the idea that we will probably be in this little place of ours for a little longer.  We had a showing about a week ago (our first).  The couple left a survey letting us know that although they liked the inside of the house, the outside left a lot to be desired.  I cried.  I cried in frustration because that is something that is completely out of my control.  I cried even though I knew it was only one showing and that it just wasn't the right person.  But it still made me sad because I want our home to sell so bad.  My sister gave me some sage advice after I vented to her about being angry and sad about the whole thing.  She told me to find something else you want that you can control and work on that instead.  So I did.
Lastly, me...I'm growing...physically getting as big as one pregnant women can get.  I'm feeling so stretched and heavy with this little human.  I don't weigh any more then my previous pregnancies, but I feel so beyond stretched to my limits with #3 both physically and emotionally.  The only relief I feel is when I'm lying on my back.  It gives my bulging belly a break from holding it all together.  Emotionally, my hormones have picked back up and I have quite a few crying episodes throughout the day.  This is especially more apparent as I feel like I'm giving every ounce of energy I have to keep up with Finn and Meg leaving me with nothing to cope with.  Last night,  Finn was especially ornery and tired.  He was crying and screaming about his shoe (which he had kicked off in his first episode) while we drove home from my parents house.  I just sat in the front seat crying from shear exhaustion.  Roy took care of the situation, but all I could was cry.  Heaven help us get through these next weeks.
In happy news though, my contractions have slowed some, and with the help of some iron, my energy has picked up a bit.  This week I'll be at 35 weeks which means only 2 weeks to full term.  There will be a sigh of relief once we hit that mark knowing that baby can come when he/she wants.


Kim said...

I'm sorry things are so rough right now. I know exactly where you're coming from. Sometimes it's all I can do just to keep my head above water on a daily basis. Hang in there. Can't wait to meet that new little Hoffman!

Colette said...

I wish I was there to play with your children while you take some time for yourself - even if it is just a nap! Miss you!!