Tuesday, April 9, 2013

.up and down, but mostly up.

I haven't posted anything on here lately about my weighty goals, mostly because I've just forgotten, or been distracted with other things like getting myself and home organized for spring (I love spring cleaning).  Anyways, over the past two weeks I've gained back 2 pounds.  I'm not really surprised or dissapointed...it is what it is.  I haven't been as good at eating (HELLO Easter), and I've just been so so with working out.  I was really ready to get back on track this week, and then yesterday happened.  It's amazing how unimportant workouts become when you think you might be having a stroke.  Today I've been dealing with a migraine (the remnants of what happened yesterday...occular Migraine), and have just been dealing the best I can.  I'm so grateful for the health I have and what my amazing body can do.  I can't wait to get back into some healthy routines this week, and feel better period.
As far as my March goal of fitting back into regular pants, I'm glad to report I can officially fit easily into 1 pair of 11/12s, and snuggly into my pairs of 10/11s.  My goal for this month is to get back into the 140's and keep on keep on.


ANG said...

Just glad you are doing better today...take it easy.

Colette said...

I hope you are feeling better real soon!!